Innovative LMS Platform

E-learning digital systems LMS for organisations, training providers and academies to empower learners, and build effective learning development
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Great User Experience

The platform is as easy and simple to use as possible supported with the most advanced technology to empower users to do amazing things more automatically and provide them the best practices in online learning, with a new modern look and feel that is fresh, with tabbed navigation, deep features and a redefined course experience that makes it easier for educators or trainers to create and edit courses and for learners to prioritise and complete course work.

Comprehensive Reporting

The platform dashboard provides various analytic and reporting facilities to  educational and  training  providers. We extract the statistical data gathered within the LMS and present it on a single dashboard in the form of printable charts, graphs, and analytics. The number of Courses reports are available to the teachers and managers in their courses and dashboard to help them track the progress of their learners. There is also an additional reporting system such as activity reports, participation reports, competencies, activity completion, badges, course completion, assessments reporting and general course logs.

Easy To Use eLearning Platform


Save time, money and hassle, automating your learning processes, assessment submissions, grading and auto powerful reporting for every aspect of your competency framework.

Recent Technology

We used the latest technology trends on learning tools methodology and technical infrastructure. it means keeping your organization on the top of learning marketplace and business.


Boost your learning method by uploading SCORM courses - Advanced Distributed Learning- (ADL), our LMS desinged to handel heavy lifting when it comes to playing and tracking SCORM. It allows content authors to manually mix and match SCOs to create unique training programs for different groups.

Learning Plans

Facilitate the work of learning plan managers. It provides an overview of user learning plan, (such as rating in courses, user evidence,). It also offers statistics by learning plans and competencies, also learning plans can be generated from cohorts, and it allows you to filter the learning plans by several criteria.

Identifying Skills Gaps

Assessing the skills gap is a top priority for employers. While the majority state the value of upskilling, we provide the tools to tackle the challenge and to conduct a skills gap analysis and assessment, define the learning needs of your organisation, also comprehensively filling any skill gaps you’ve identified within your teams or individual staff members.


Provide different complexity levels using digital grids related to activities, assess your learners’ competences automatically report learners’ competences, distribute tasks to all or selective learners using schedules generate competence profiles, generate comprehensive reports of learners’ progression and achievements, competence levels and different skills.
Last modified: Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 11:29 AM