
المقررات الدراسية موسومة بـ "Online"

Introduction To 5G Technologies

Introduction To 5G Technologies

Course modified date: 6 يوليو 2022

In this course, introduction to 5G technologies.


5G is the fifth generation of mobile/cellular networks. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks and its Uup to 100 times faster than 4G. 5G is creating never-before-seen opportunities for people and businesses.  5G wireless technology delivers higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra low latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and a more uniform user experience to more users.

In this course we will first look at some definitions associated with radio networks:
·       Electromagnetic spectrum
·       Base stations

·       Cells

The electromagnetic spectrum
Electromagnetic radiation covers a range of frequencies (spectrum) and associated wavelengths, commonly referred to as the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves have lower frequencies and longer wavelengths than visible light.

You will learn

  1. Introduce 5G technologies
  2. Explore 5G use cases and their benefit

Fundamentals of Electronic Communication

Fundamentals of Electronic Communication

Course modified date: 6 يوليو 2022

in this course, learn about the the fundamentals of electronic communication.

Sine waves are used in math and physics to represent waves. See below for some key definitions that will be used throughout the session:
Frequency (f)
·       This is the number of cycles per second measured in hertz (Hz)
·       1 Hz = 1 cycle per second
Amplitude (A)
·       The height of a cycle
Phase (Φ)
·       The relative value of a variable at a point in a cycle
Wavelength (λ)

·       The physical distance over which a cycle repeats


The wave speed (c) of electromagnetic (EM) radiation is 300,000 km/s (the ‘speed of light’).
So, as the wave speed (c) is constant:
·       Lower frequencies always have longer wavelengths
·       Higher frequencies always have shorter wavelengths

Wave speed (c), frequency (f) and wavelength (λ) are related and can be represented by a formula triangle.
\( f= \frac{c}{ \lambda } \)
Where: c = wave speed, f = frequency and λ = wavelength
\( c \equiv f \times \lambda \)
Where: c = wave speed, f = frequency and λ = wavelength
\( \lambda \equiv \frac{c}{f} \)

Where: c = wave speed, f = frequency and λ = wavelength

You will learn 
  1. Introduce the basic concept of wave theory
  2. Explore the electromagnetic spectrum

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

Course modified date: 6 يوليو 2022

In this course, learn about Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation.


The digital transformation has become very important, it is now responsible for changing industry and adapting it to a connected industry.

The following definitions will help during this session:
·       Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) – an industrial solid-state computer that makes logic-based decisions for automated processes based on monitored inputs and outputs
·       Cloud Computing – the delivery of computing services over the Internet
·       Artificial Intelligence – the ability of machines or computer systems to learn and adapt similarly to humans
·       RDA – Remote Database Access

·       RFID – Radio Frequency Identification

You we will learn 
·       Explore Industry 4.0

·       Discuss how the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G enable Industry 4.0

Online Scam

Online Scam

Course modified date: 22 نوفمبر 2022

A scam can appear in many different forms, but they are all ultimately designed to part you from your money. You may get a message via email, text or any social media messaging service, all with the intention of tricking you into giving over your details or giving the scammers money. 

Almost half of all victims of these scams are those aged 18 to 34, so it is important to remember to stay vigilant.



Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about conjunctions and the different types. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


Conjunctions connect and relate ideas in:
·       Words
·       Phrases
·       Sentences
They assist in the logical flow of ideas as they signal the relationship between these ideas.

Coordinating conjunctions
The most commonly used conjunctions are:
·       And
·       But
·       Or
These are called coordinating conjunctions.
Co-ordinating conjunctions join two ideas of equal value in a sentence.
It does not matter which way round the ideas are presented.
You could say “it is cold and wet today” or “it is wet and cold today”. 

It does not affect the meaning of the sentence.

You will learn 
  1. What a conjunction is
  2. Coordinating conjunctions
  3. Subordinating conjunctions
  4. Conjunction positions

3D Shapes

3D Shapes

Course modified date: 7 يونيو 2022

Learn about 3D shapes, how to identify common 3D shapes, the properties of common 3D shapes and common 3D shapes in the real world. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.



You need to be familiar with the following 3D shapes:
·       Cube – a 2D version of a cube would be a square. A real-life example of a cube is a die.
·       Cuboid – a 2D version of a cuboid would be a rectangle. A real-life example of a cuboid is a brick.
·       Cylinder – a cylinder is an elongated circle. A real-life example of a cylinder is a tin can.
·       Pyramid – a 2D version of a pyramid is a triangle. A real-life example of a pyramid is the Egyptian pyramids.

·       Sphere – a 2D version of a sphere is a circle. A real-life example of a sphere is a ball.

You will learn 

  1. Identify common 3D shapes
  2. Describe the properties of common 3D shapes
  3. Identify common 3D shapes in the real world

التصنيف: الحساب 2
2D Shapes

2D Shapes

Course modified date: 7 يونيو 2022

Learn about 2D shapes, how to identify, a range of common 2d shapes, shapes in the real world and the properties of common 2D shapes. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


You need to be able to name these common 2D shapes. Check out the descriptions below. In the following course you will be asked to identify some of these shapes found in real life:

·       Circle – a circle is a perfectly round shape with a constant diameter and radius
·       Square – a square is a four-sided shape which is created by connecting the four lines together. The lines in the square are all of equal lengths and they come together to form four right angles
·       Triangle – a triangle is a three-sided shape which is created by connecting the three lines together. Unlike, a rectangle or a square, in a triangle, the angles can all be different.
·       Trapezium – a trapezium is a four-sided shape which is created by connecting the four lines together. Unlike a square, a trapezium only has one pair of parallel lines, two lines that are side by side and have the same distance between them

·       Hexagon – a hexagon has six equal sides which are all connected together to create the shape – it also has six equal angles

You will learn 

  1. Identify a range of common 2D shapes
  2. Identify shapes in the real world
  3. Identify the properties of common 2D shapes

التصنيف: الحساب 2
Strategies to Engage and Motivate Learners Online -2

Strategies to Engage and Motivate Learners Online -2

Course modified date: 31 يناير 2023

The course "Strategies to Engage and Motivate Learners Online -2" is designed to help educators revitalize online learning experiences and maximize student engagement. 

The course focuses on using digital technology in a creative and effective way to enhance the delivery of student-focused learning activities. Participants will explore a range of interactive tools and resources, and will have the opportunity to increase their confidence in the use of these tools in the online classroom. 

The course emphasizes the importance of making online learning engaging and interactive to promote student motivation and success. Upon completion, participants will have the knowledge and skills necessary to create dynamic and effective online learning experiences.

Strategies to Engage and Motivate Learners Online -1

Strategies to Engage and Motivate Learners Online -1

Course modified date: 31 يناير 2023

In this course, "Strategies to Engage and Motivate Learners Online -1", participants will delve into practical techniques for delivering effective online learning experiences. 

By exploring various interactive tools and resources, participants will learn how to revitalize their online teaching and maximize student engagement. Through the creative use of digital technology, participants will gain the confidence and skills needed to enhance the online delivery of student-centered learning activities. 

This course aims to provide participants with a solid foundation for developing engaging and impactful online learning experiences.

Digital Collaborative Learning Tools -2

Digital Collaborative Learning Tools -2

Course modified date: 31 يناير 2023

The "Digital Tools for Collaborative Learning - Part 2" course is designed for educators looking to integrate technology into their collaborative learning practices. 

Participants will learn about various interactive tools, including their use and future, and will evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each tool in the context of their own subject specialism. Through discussion and hands-on exploration of these tools, participants will gain practical skills and knowledge in using technology to support collaborative learning in their classrooms. 

In addition, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own teaching practices and consider how technology can be leveraged to create more dynamic and engaging learning experiences for students. 

By the end of the course, participants will have a deep understanding of the role and potential of interactive tools in collaborative learning and will be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively integrate these tools into their teaching practices.

Terrorism and the Internet

Terrorism and the Internet

Course modified date: 9 يونيو 2022

In this course we will look at some of the ways extremist groups exploit the internet for their own means, and the safeguards and protections that are in place to try and prevent this from happening.


Our interconnected digital world has many advantages to us, but unfortunately it also has many advantages to people who spread extremist views and support and encourage terrorism. The global nature of the internet makes it very easy for people anywhere in the world to target and recruit vulnerable individuals, as well as encourage and organise terrorist attacks even from beyond the UK itself.
In this course we will look at some of the ways extremist groups exploit the internet for their own means, and the safeguards and protections that are in place to try and prevent this from happening.

Terrorist and extremist groups use the internet for a variety of different reasons.
·       Recruiting new supporters and members
·       Sharing their extremist beliefs and ideas
·       Communicating with their supporters and members
·       Encouraging others to commit terrorist activity

·       Co-ordinating terrorist activity

You will learn 
  1. Understand why terrorists use the internet
  2. Know where you might encounter extremism online
  3. Understand what the government is doing to limit terrorist use of the internet
  4. Know what to do if you encounter extreme content online



Course modified date: 9 يونيو 2022

Learn and underatand what radicalisation is and what makes a person vulnerable to it. This course also looks at the signs of radicalisation and what to do if someone you know is showing signs of radicalisation.


Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorist or extremist ideologies. It is a negative and damaging process to the individuals involved, the UK and the world, and can lead to people being injured or even losing their lives in the name of the cause to which they are radicalised. 
Radicalisation includes:
People being persuaded to support extreme religious or racist ideas
Activities that could lead people on a pathway towards terrorism
The process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies

When a person’s beliefs move from being quite ‘normal’ to being extreme and they want to see drastic change

All terrorist groups need to radicalise and recruit people to their cause in order to group their influence and create the change they want to see. Sometimes they want a few people with specialist skills, other times they want to recruit large numbers of people to create a mass of followers capable of creating pressure, such as overthrowing a legitimate government. Recruiters will target people who are more vulnerable as they are easier to persuade.

You will learn 

  1. Understand what radicalisation is
  2. Understand what makes a person vulnerable to radicalisation
  3. Know what the signs of radicalisation are
  4. Know what to do if you spot signs of radicalisation in someone you know.