
المقررات الدراسية موسومة بـ "Public"

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

Course modified date: 6 يوليو 2022

In this course, learn about Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation.


The digital transformation has become very important, it is now responsible for changing industry and adapting it to a connected industry.

The following definitions will help during this session:
·       Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) – an industrial solid-state computer that makes logic-based decisions for automated processes based on monitored inputs and outputs
·       Cloud Computing – the delivery of computing services over the Internet
·       Artificial Intelligence – the ability of machines or computer systems to learn and adapt similarly to humans
·       RDA – Remote Database Access

·       RFID – Radio Frequency Identification

You we will learn 
·       Explore Industry 4.0

·       Discuss how the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G enable Industry 4.0

Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Course modified date: 21 يونيو 2022
الانضمام عند الدفع المالي
In this course, It guides you through all the actions you need to take to reduce the likelihood of you becoming a victim of the most common cyber attacks.  (This course is Free ) 

The training is primarily aimed at SMEs, small  organisationscharities and the voluntary sector, but can be applied to any organisation, regardless of size or sector. It's been deliberately designed for a non-technical audience (who may have little or no knowledge of cyber security), with tips that complement any existing policies and procedures.

Many smaller organisations may feel that they're not at risk from cyber attacks, believing that criminals only target larger companies who have access to more customers, data, and finances. However, 38% of micro and small organisations experienced a Cyber Security breach in the last 12 months, and of those that lost data or assets, the average amount lost was £8170*. The training demonstrates how you can improve your organisation’s resilience, and covers five key areas.

You will learn 
  1. Backing up your organisation's data correctly
  2. Protecting your organisation against malware
  3. Keeping the devices used by your employees secure
  4. The importance of creating strong passwords
  5. Defending your organisation against phishing  

This course is designed and developed by The National Cyber Security Centre. (click here)

التصنيف: دورات مجانية
Understanding Essay Titles

Understanding Essay Titles

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about understanding essay titles and how to do so. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


Essay titles contain clues which show you what the examiner or marker is looking for. In this session we will be learning what those clues are and how to look out for them.
These clues include:
·       Topic or content words which are words or phrases that tell you the main subject of the essay
·       Limiting or focus words which are words that tell you which aspects of the subject you should write about

·       Direction words which are words that tell you what you need to do

You will learn 

  1. Understanding essay titles
  2. Analysing essay titles
  3. Picking apart the title
  4. Focusing on the title
  5. Making notes
  6. Using the title
  7. Key words in titles

Types of Speech

Types of Speech

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about the types of speech and their purpose. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


When planning and delivering a speech it is important to know your purpose.
Your purpose might be:
·       To inform or describe
·       To instruct or explain
·       To persuade or inspire  

·       To entertain or amuse

When you are planning and preparing for your speech you may wish to come up with a one sentence statement about what you want to accomplish.
Your one sentence statement should be:
·       Worded from the audience’s point of view
·       Precise
·       Attainable
For example, you might want to complete the following sentence:

“After my speech the audience will …”

You will learn 

  1. Purpose
  2. Specifying your purpose
  3. Speaking to inform or describe
  4. Speaking to instruct or explain
  5. Speaking to persuade or inspire
  6. Speaking to entertain or amuse

Human Rights

Human Rights

Course modified date: 6 أكتوبر 2022
Learn about human rights. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.

Human rights are rights we have simply because we exist as human beings - they are not granted by any state. These universal rights are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. This means that we are all equally entitled to our human rights. This principle, as first emphasized in the UDHR - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) - is repeated in many international human rights conventions, declarations, and resolutions.

Human rights are the basic rights we all have simply because we are human. A right is a legal entitlement
to something. There are fundamental rights and freedoms that everyone in the UK is entitled to.
Identify what you think counts as a “right” from the list below:

·       Money
·       Education
·       Employment
·       Privacy
·       Car
·       Marriage
·       Phone
·       Vote
·       House
·       Life

·       Freedom



Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about inequalities in society including poverty, health and age. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


Inequality can be found in most societies as it is the result of resources being shared out unequally among people. Resources are usually given out according to social characteristics such as age, gender and disability.
These characteristics can come from:
·       Ascribed characteristics which are assigned at birth, or an automatic development at some point and includes factors such as age, gender or place of birth
·       Achieved characteristics which are earned or chosen and involves factors such as level of education and marital status.

Resources that are distributed can include the following:
·       Income or wealth, where there is economic inequality
·       Social power, meaning the right to be an authority figure or to have a say
·       Natural goods, such as parks or green areas

·       Public goods, which can include: education, housing, transport, credit (such as cards, store cards, loans or mortgages) and banking

You will learn 
  1. What is inequality in society
  2. Inequality in economic status
  3. How economic inequality is measured
  4. The meaning of poverty
  5. inequality in health
  6. Inequality in age

How Surveillance is Used by Different Public Services

How Surveillance is Used by Different Public Services

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn more about how individuals and society are defended and protected. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


Surveillance is close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal. With technology constantly developing and advancing, the surveillance that is used has to stay current and up-to-date.

It is estimated that there are between 4 and 6 million CCTV cameras in the UK alone (at the time of writing). There are over 600,000 cameras just in London. The government recommends keeping CCTV footage for 28 days, although there is no set legal time for storing images. On an average day, a person is caught on CCTV cameras up to 300 times.

Along with cameras, there are other types of surveillance available in the UK too. For example, a person’s location can be tracked through a mobile phone that is turned on – whether the phone is in use or not.

You will learn 
  1. What is surveillance?
  2. Why do we need surveillance?
  3. How is surveillance used?

How Public Services Meet the Needs of Society

How Public Services Meet the Needs of Society

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn more about the role of the public sector in areas such as education, criminal justice and leisure. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


Public Services have to meet the needs of us, as individuals, and of our society.
Education is another part of Public Services. Every citizen in the UK has the right to education. Education allows us to learn new skills and values through learning subjects such as; Maths, English, Science, Art, Geography and History. 

By getting an education it allows us to get qualifications and meet the needs for specific jobs within our society.

You will learn 

  1. Education
  2. Health
  3. Criminal justice
  4. Environment services
  5. Leisure
  6. Social welfare

How Public Services are Affected by Changes in Society

How Public Services are Affected by Changes in Society

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn more about how public services are affected by changes in society. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.

In the UK there are currently more people here than there has ever been, and we are all living for longer; this will affect our Public Services. 
What do you think the effects of this will be on the following Public Services?
Border Force
Local councils

Social changes also affect the levels of use our Public Services have. 
Examples of social change are:
The growth of an ageing population
Patterns of health/illness

These changes are clearly going to affect the Public Services. It may mean that these Public Services are relied upon more than ever, in order to keep up with the demands of our changing society.

You will learn 

  1. Population growth
  2. Changes in use and levels
  3. Strains on Public Services
  4. Attitudes towards Public Services

Human Rights and Public Services

Human Rights and Public Services

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about the Human Rights Act 1998 and other legislation to protect your rights as a citizen. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


As normal citizens in the UK we are expected to follow the laws of the country and be good citizens. Members of the public services also have to obey the laws that everyone else does, but they have additional laws to follow because they have additional powers that normal citizens do not have.
Every statutory public service in the UK has its own legislation, to describe not only how the service should function but also its limitations and restrictions. Members of the public services should be role models and examples to others. They need to have authority and that can only be achieved if they are good citizens and obey the law themselves.
Human rights are things to which individuals in society are entitled. These rights are laid down in law, so if these rights are violated, then a UK citizen can go to court to seek justice. The principal law in the UK is the Human Rights Act 1998.
 Human rights can be split into two sections:
              1. Protection

              2. Rights or entitlements

You will learn 

  1. Human Rights Act 1998
  2. Other legislation (law) that protect your rights as a UK citizen

Good Citizenship

Good Citizenship

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn more about what good citizenship entails. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


A good citizen is someone who respects other people. They are helpful and considerate; they listen to the points of views of others; they are mindful of the environment; they promote fair values and standards, and they participate in society.

That is a lot for one person to do and try to achieve though. So we will break each section down and look at them in more detail.

You will learn 

  1. How you can show respect for others and yourself
  2. How you can become a good citizen by participating in society and volunteering
  3. The qualities of good citizenship

Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about equal opportunities and their impact. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


Equal opportunities have an impact on all aspects of life, including the services and functions provided by public service organisations.
The public sector equality duty, which falls under the Equality Act 2010, prevents discrimination on the grounds of the protected characteristics.
There are several functions that are important to the equality duty. Largely it makes sure that everyone involved in the public sector has the same and equal opportunities – whether they possess any protected characteristics or not.
Equality duty functions are also known as the three aims of equal opportunities. These aims are:
1.       To get rid of all unlawful treatment described by the Act (discrimination, harassment, and victimisation).
2.       To advance equality and opportunity between those who have a protected characteristic and those who do not.  

3.       To foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

You will learn 

  1. The public sector equality duty
  2. Equality duty functions
  3. Benefits of equal opportunities
  4. Equal duty requirements
  5. The impact of equal opportunities



Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about anti-discrimination and how it can affect recruitment and training. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


There are many different types of discrimination that can occur, and legislation provides a range of protective measures against all forms of discrimination.
Anti-discrimination is the prevention of unfair treatment because of age, sex, and religion, among other things. Another session covers unequal treatment which is called discrimination, and that is against the law.
It is important that anti-discrimination practices are followed so that this treatment can be avoided, especially within recruitment and employment.       
There are several stages when recruiting or employing someone:
·       Developing the job/placement description
·       Advertising
·       Application process
·       Shortlisting
·       Interviewing

All these stages need to be carefully considered when thinking about how to avoid discrimination.

You will learn 

  1. What is anti-discrimination
  2. How anti-discrimination affects recruitment
  3. How anti-discrimination affects training
  4. How to deal with grievances



Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about discrimination, protected characteristics and exceptions. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.

Discrimination is treating a person, or particular group of people, differently from the way in which you treat other people, because of a particular characteristic such as skin colour, gender and race. It is against the law in the UK to discriminate against anyone based on nine ‘protected characteristics’.

You are legally protected from discrimination by the Equality Act 2010.
You are also protected from discrimination if:
You are associated with someone who has a protected characteristic, e.g. a family member or friend

You have complained about discrimination or supported someone who has

You will learn 

  1. What is discrimination?
  2. Protected characteristics
  3. Types of discrimination
  4. Exceptions

Codes of Practice, Values and Standards in Public Services

Codes of Practice, Values and Standards in Public Services

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about stakeholders and codes of practice for public services. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


Basic facts about Codes of Practice
They provide an explanation of the Equality Act and how it should be applied to everyday situations for employees, employers, and organisations
They provide advice for those who need a technical and precise understanding of the law and its impact (particularly lawyers as the Codes are complicated)   
They assist those who need to understand and enforce the law (courts and tribunals) 
They assist those who need to apply the law while advising a client (lawyers and employers)
They apply throughout England, Scotland and Wales.

A stakeholder is someone with an interest in a business, or in this case the Equality Act, and are usually people who are affected by the legislation.
The stakeholders that were involved in the Equality Act Codes of Practice post consultation report for the period of 2010 were:
Stakeholders for each of the potential characteristics
Stakeholders from each key sector (such as education, health)
Legal experts (such as employment law, government, trade unions)

To discuss the initial drafts of an Equality Act, different groups of people are invited to meetings or consultations. This is where issues may be raised by the stakeholders.  

Some of the issues from the 2010 period included:
Use of language in the Employment Code, for example the term ‘employee’ as opposed to ‘worker’
Audience and accessibility of the Codes
For the examples used in the Codes, striking the right balance between reflecting discrimination in a realistic way and avoiding offensive stereotypes

The language and structure of the document may be altered or changed. However, complex issues may need more time to be answered in future publications.   

You will learn 
  1. What the codes of practice are
  2. Stakeholders and what they do
  3. Seven principles of public life
  4. The importance of the principles

Aspects of Citizenship

Aspects of Citizenship

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022
Learn more about what citizenship is and why it is important in society. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.

The world is divided into countries. These are political regions, which means people have decided on the boundaries and borders. Each country has a government which is responsible for managing resources, such as taxes and how to spend them, and the organisation of their society. They are also responsible for the protection of their citizens.
The UK contains four countries:
·       Scotland. Capital: Edinburgh. Scotland has a devolved government that can only make laws for Scotland and can decide how education and healthcare is provided. They also send 59 representatives to the English Parliament.
·       Northern Ireland. Capital: Belfast. Northern Ireland has a devolved government that can only make laws for Northern Ireland that includes policing, education, health, and housing. They send an additional 18 representatives to the House of Commons each election.
·       Wales: Capital. Cardiff. Wales has a devolved government that can only make laws for Wales on topics that include tourism, education, health, and housing. They send 40 MPs to the House of Commons.

·       England. Capital: London. London is the capital city of the UK. This is where the nation’s government sits at the Palace of Westminster. There are two houses which debate and create bills.

You will learn 
•Why citizenship is important in society
•The rights of citizens in society
• Citizenship and equality
Public Services are in Place

Public Services are in Place

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about why public services are important and what are the needs of a diverse society. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


The public services play a vital role in our lives. We need the public services to meet the needs of a diverse society.

The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences.

You will learn 

  1. Why public services are important
  2. What makes people diverse
  3. A range of reasons why public services are in place

The Impact of Change in Society

The Impact of Change in Society

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn more about the different changes in society and how these have impacted public services. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.

Over time society has changed dramatically. Think back 50, 60, 70 or 100 years – how do you think society would have looked? 

Here are some points of changes :
Medicine has developed over time. Illnesses that had no cure are now curable and medical facilities have improved.
Technology now enables you to contact people all around the world.
Society has become more diverse due to migration and better transport.

Demographics relate to the structure of populations. This means that when you think about the demographic of somewhere, you are looking at how their society is made up in terms of the people who live in it. There have been many changes in society and there are positive and negative aspects of demographic change.

Here are some examples of demographic changes:
Growth of an ageing population
Patterns of health and illness

Social inequality

You will learn 

  1. Different changes that have happened in society
  2. How these changes in society have impacted on the Public Services
  3. Changes in demographics
  4. Ageing population
  5. Immigration changes

The Cost of Public Services

The Cost of Public Services

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn how much public services cost and how charities contribute to them. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


The top three spending categories include:
·       Social protection
·       Health
·       Education
The following categories explain where the Government spends money:
Social protection costs £222 billion (the figure is for training purposes only)  
The most money is currently spent on social protection (or welfare) which helps those who are disadvantaged, including:
o   Pensions
o   Disability benefits, such as cars, parking and prescriptions
o   Housing, such as accommodation and upkeep
o   Unemployment benefits

o   Family benefits, for instance tax credits

Social security spending in UK

Over 55% of social security expenditure goes to pensioners.

The government is forecast to spend £121 billion on pensioners and £94 billion on working age people and children this year. In 2017 to 2018 £121 billion was spent on pensioners and £96 billion was spent on working age people and children.

You will learn 

  1. How much public services cost the government
  2. The top three spending categories
  3. How charities contribute to public services

Safety Responsibilities of Employers

Safety Responsibilities of Employers

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn more about the different types of responsibilities employers have to maintain the safety of their employees and the public. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


Employers have responsibilities to the people who work for them. If they do not take these responsibilities seriously, then it can have a bad effect on the services or on an individual.
What’s the difference between an employee and an employer?
·       An employee is a person employed for wages or salary

·       An employer is the person or company who employs others and pays them

Here are a few examples of the responsibilities that employers have:
·       To provide safe working environments for all employees
·       To provide adequate training
·       To provide any necessary safety equipment or work wear

·       To enable whistleblowing

You will learn 

  1. The different types of responsibilities that employers in the public service have
  2. Why it is important that the employers in the public have responsibilities and how they maintain these
  3. Safe working environment
  4. Whistleblowing