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Course modified date: 8 Jun 2022

Learn about percentages, solving simple percentages problems and how to use equivalences between common fractions and percentages. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


Percentage means out of 100.
It is represented by the percentage symbol (%).
1% means 1 out of 100 and is the same as .
To find 1% of an amount, divide it by 100.
1% of 500 is  \( \frac{500}{100} \) or 5.

Consider a rectangle that is made up of 10 squares, it is 5 squares across and 2 squares down.
Half, or 50%, of the squares are green (the top row of squares). The other half, or 50%, of the squares are white (the bottom row of squares).
Let’s add these percentages together: 50% + 50% = 100%.

Together the parts of the whole rectangle add up to 100%.

You will learn 

  1. Solve simple percentage problems
  2. Understand and use equivalences between common fractions and percentages

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