خيارات التسجيل

Ratios and Proportion

Ratios and Proportion

Course modified date: 9 يونيو 2022

Learn about ratios and proportion, the meaning of ratio and proportion and how to solve simple proportion problems. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


Ratio tells us the size of two amounts compared to each other.
Consider four squares – three of them are purple and one of them is green. Here are three ways that we can express this as a ratio:
·       We can write it as a fraction. For example, \( \frac{1}{3} \).
·       We can separate the values with the word ‘to’. For example, 3 to 1.
·       We can use a colon to separate the values. For example, 3:1 (the colon is between the 3 and the 1).

The order of the numbers in a ratio must match the order of the words.
Again, consider the three purple squares and one green square. The ratio of purple squares to green squares is 3 to 1. This means there are three times as many purple squares as green.

However, if we change the order of the words we must also change the order of the numbers in the ratio. For example, the ratio of green squares to purple squares is 1 to 3.

You will learn 
  1. Understand the meaning of ratio and proportion
  2. Be able to solve simple proportion problems

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