خيارات التسجيل

Essay Writing Process

Essay Writing Process

Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about the essay writing process and how to successfully and effectively use it. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


The essay writing process consists of 6 parts that lead on from one another:
1.       Analysing the question
2.       Generating Ideas
3.       Research
4.       Planning
5.       Drafting
6.       Editing

Analysing an essay title has 4 stages:
1.       Pick apart the title. Look for:
a.       Topic or content words or phrases that tell you the main subject of the essay       
b.       Limiting or focus words that tell you which aspects of the subject you should write about
c.       Direction words that tell you what you need to do
2.       Focus on the title
3.       Make notes – write down any questions that are prompted by the title

4.       Use the title – keep checking the exact wording and refer to the essay title in your introduction and conclusion

You will learn 

  1. The process
  2. Analysing the question
  3. Generating ideas
  4. Research
  5. Planning
  6. Drafting
  7. Editing

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