خيارات التسجيل



Course modified date: 12 يوليو 2022

Learn about inequalities in society including poverty, health and age. This course is ideal for intermediate learners.


Inequality can be found in most societies as it is the result of resources being shared out unequally among people. Resources are usually given out according to social characteristics such as age, gender and disability.
These characteristics can come from:
·       Ascribed characteristics which are assigned at birth, or an automatic development at some point and includes factors such as age, gender or place of birth
·       Achieved characteristics which are earned or chosen and involves factors such as level of education and marital status.

Resources that are distributed can include the following:
·       Income or wealth, where there is economic inequality
·       Social power, meaning the right to be an authority figure or to have a say
·       Natural goods, such as parks or green areas

·       Public goods, which can include: education, housing, transport, credit (such as cards, store cards, loans or mortgages) and banking

You will learn 
  1. What is inequality in society
  2. Inequality in economic status
  3. How economic inequality is measured
  4. The meaning of poverty
  5. inequality in health
  6. Inequality in age

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